In her work Tha, Indian artist Tahireh Lal visualizes individual phases of a relaxation exercise. She produced the video within the scope of her art studies in Bangalore. Fading in from black, the work opens with orchestrated aesthetic lighting, which at first only makes it possible to see the lined contours of individual parts of the body. This is followed by close-ups - of a throat, an open palm, feet, and an eye in the process of opening. These provide only a vague idea of the position of the person meditating. Intercut are images of a quiet, evenly breathing, material object in the shape of a human abdomen. Cross-fades connect the static camera shots, creating a peaceful, constant flow of movement. Acoustically, the video is underpinned by an increasingly calm heartbeat, meditative music, and the sounds of the ocean. Minimal usage of image and sound focuses the viewer’s attention on the perception of the body. Conspicuously, the images continually come into focus on elements such as hair, lifelines, veins, breath, pulse, heartbeat, and the ocean sounds, conceptualizing the flow of life energy. As in a relaxation exercise, the viewer is encouraged to let go of thoughts and impressions, to concentrate on individual parts of the body and on the life-supporting breath, which provides inner peace, and in this way experience him or herself.
Katharina Geyer